Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Of Bloggers and Buggers

What a terrible crime it is
To be fighting to get at the truth
When facts which surely do exist
Are covered up by festering wounds
There is something one should do
Blog, or be buggered

"I want proof," cries the accused in tears
When he knows none is easily available
For he has covered up his tracks for years
And hopes his friends are dependable
There is something one should do
Blog, or be buggered

When incompetence makes a mockery of things
When ignorance exudes an unperturbed calm
When mastery involves pulling invisible strings
When survival means doing each other harm
There is something one should do
Blog, or be buggered

Like a clever thief, the culprit screams from the side
Pretending that he is not at fault
Like a god, he still wants to rule other people's lives
While his own is grinding to a halt
There is something one should do
Blog, or be buggered

Two buggers slogging it out in full public view
Each bidding the other a dramatic adieu
How did things deteriorate to this level
How can things go on like this
There is something one should do
Blog, or be buggered


de minimis said...

OK! I would rather blog than be buggered! Who has the greater rectal rectitude? I don't know. Can they each do the other? Well, better they be buggered than I.

etheorist said...

Right on! Precisely.