Monday, April 15, 2013

Election & Economy

The election is a regular thing that modern societies try to emulate the old. In traditional societies, everybody sit around and each has a chance to speak their minds, in between drinks and food and smoke. The atmosphere is general genial, but once in a while, someone may have drunk too much, or ate too much or smoke too much, and goes into a trance state and start talking in strange language and making strange sounds. Otherwise, everyone would have emptied themselves and eventually everybody agreed and the meeting is over. Life goes on.

But in the modern day and age, attempts are made to influence others and to persuade or even coerce others to accept your views. When our views are not heard or are not the majority view, we become upset and throw tantrums. We demand that things should be done right, as if being right means that our views will prevail.

It is quite impossible to obtain consensus. Not everybody will agree with everybody every time. In a close society, social manner calls for us to be polite. In the modern social media work, we are not intimately known to each other although we try to connect. We may become less concern with politeness, when we then tend towards rudeness, as if rudeness is indicative of truth.

The world, alas, is not perfect. Although we wish for one that is, and even pray for it, we are unfortunately stuck with our feet in the mud. We live with life's imperfections.

The one thing we think we can fix is the economy. There are economic experts. They know theories and they run econometric models.

But the modern economy is an artificial construct. The modern economy is a matrix and we are all caught in the web. Being entangled is no fun. We can't extricate ourselves.

But we keep on trying. We try new things. We try new leaders. We do not want to be dictated by some persons or some groups who seem to be able to get away by entrapping us.

1 comment:

walla said...

Status quo and comfort of mind go hand in hand. They are mutually symbiotic.

That's why change is so hard. Which explains why new subjects like change management are a recent invention. Because the world has gotten too complex for linear or two-dimensional approaches in order to save the familiar order.

Yet there are people who would want a return to the rustic ways where black and white are clearly seen so that they can make fast easy decisions and retreat into their familiar comfort zones.

But that is not to be when there are many critical issues whose false solutions will only compound future difficulties for those who will be bequeathed a future they can do nothing about today.

It remains for those who are observers of what is happening today to do something about the situation for them.

In the shortness of time left, they have to counter-act decisively because to remain as only passive observers will only make them negative participants, and if the things done are wrong and bad for the peoples, then they are in effect accessories to the acts even if they behave like benign polite society.

Bad acts are often committed in the darkness of minds. Facts and truths are the light to banish the status quo of that darkness, for once out in the open, there is nowhere for hypocrisy to hide or breed in order to propagate future bad acts.

One such hypocrisy is patently clear and recent. Someone blows over two hundred million of taxpayers money. The government making the grant does nothing to recover the remains; neither does it take decisive action on the committee or the perps.

The first hypocrisy is delivered by the government. The second hypocrisy is delivered by the institutions mandated to act independent of the government.

Yet the unkindest cut is the third delivered by those who would rail against what they consider as rude bearers of the torch of light while maintaining a deafening silence on the act and the two aforementioned hypocrisies so that the status quo of not just their comfort zones but also the pessimism about change can be safeguarded in the graveyard of conveniently forgotten facts and truths.

Were the money from their own bank accounts, they would perhaps have vaulted themselves higher and even chance a rude expletive or two of their own.

Maybe all the pessimism has been generated by too much politics in economics.

The title of the following post seems to sum up everything:
